Lawn Care Services in Lenexa: What 3 Terrifying Insects are Eating my Garden? — What is consuming my plants, and how can I stop it? Continue reading to find out more about a few common garden insects that, if ignored, could seriously harm your landscape.
Everyone in the Kansas City area has experienced bugs in and around their homes. While many of these garden insects pose no threat to humans, pets, or plants, others can cause serious issues. Here are some dangerous insects that may be residing in your landscape and lawn.
Lawn Care Services in Lenexa: Japanese Beetles
The Japanese Beetle is one garden insect that could be causing serious harm at this time of year. These tiny creatures devour nearly any plant found in exquisite residential landscapes. They will eat any plant with leaves, but they especially like to nibble on linden and rose trees. They look like the Masked Chaffer, a common beetle in our area. More than any other kind of beetle, they cause a great deal of harm to decorative plants. Japanese Beetles typically forage in clusters. If you get a closer look, you will probably notice a large group of them.
As soon as you notice them in your landscape plants, begin a treatment plan. The majority of commercially available insecticides that are safe for use at home will provide respectable control. To fully address the issue, many of those options will need to be repeated several times, which will add to your time and financial burden. Do you think your landscape might contain Japanese Beetles?
Advice: As one of the top lawn care services in Lenexa, we suggest staying away from Japanese beetle traps. The benefit of these traps is their ability to effectively draw in Japanese beetles. They alert you to the possibility of an impending issue. Unfortunately, these traps are also effective at drawing Japanese Beetles to your landscape plants in search of food!
For Japanese Beetles, By the Blade provides prompt, reasonably priced treatments for any size tree or shrub in your landscape.
Lawn Care Services in Lenexa: Bagworms
Many lawn care Services in Lenexa adore using evergreens in their landscape designs. Unfortunately, bagworms also do. An entire evergreen tree or shrub can be completely stripped of its leaves in a single season by bagworms, tiny garden insects that resemble pine cones and form cocoons. They will actually eat anything alive in severe infestations. They will eat or attempt to eat anything. As a leader for quality landscaping services in Lenexa, we have seen them on crab-apple trees, weigela, and stucco siding, among other things! These guys eat all summer long, creating a lovely bag as they go. When winter’s end approaches, they fasten their sleeping bag to the tree, hop inside, lay a few eggs, and retire for the season.
Early in May, the tiny eggs hatch, and the larvae emerge to start the process over. You can actually hear and see them moving on your trees at this time of year. Treating them is warranted at this point by professional pest and landscaping services in Lenexa. Like most control techniques, the secret is to get them early. After the worms have finished feeding, there is no benefit to spraying the bags.
Advice: If you’re feeling adventurous and confident that you can locate every bagworm, removing the bags, crushing them, and then getting rid of them is a good way to deal with bagworms.
In addition to treating bagworms all season long, By the Blade can advise you on whether to replace your tree or shrub if the damage is too great for treatment.
Lawn Care Services in Lenexa: Spider Mites
Spider mites are not really garden insects, but if they are allowed to spread, they can cause a lot of harm. The undersides of shrubs are home to tiny, nearly microscopic mites known as spider mites. When applied to otherwise healthy plants, they are usually quite harmless. These mites reproduce excessively during extended hot, dry spells of weather. Populations have the potential to spiral out of control, and the shrubs they choose to infest can exhibit some very serious warning indicators.
Spider mite damage is commonly observed by our technicians on dwarf Alberta spruce shrubs. Any plant matter that is available will be consumed by these mites. The damage could seem like a generalized, localized decline in the plant’s health. Another way it could show up is if leaves or needles just fall off the plant. As with all pests in evergreen trees and shrubs, prompt yet thorough control is essential to prevent this seasonal pest from causing long-term harm to your plants.
Maintaining the health of your plants throughout the growing season is the best defense against spider mites. Make sure the soil type is appropriate for the type of plant you have, water well, and limit your nitrogen fertilizer usage. Knowing where to put the right plant is one important factor. Just that will lessen the needless strain on your landscape plants. Replace any plants that don’t thrive in the current conditions with ones that do. Plants that thrive in the sun should not be placed on the shady side of your home.
The same is true for soil that drains well versus extremely moist areas. A plant that prefers well-drained soil will never flourish in an environment where its feet are constantly wet. Planting the incorrect plant in the wrong location has no remedy. A plant that isn’t where it wants to be will eventually die from something, whether it’s spider mites or another bug, as a result of the additional stress the plant is under.
Advice: If you are aware that you have a spider mite infestation, two times a week, a hard, continuous stream of water will effectively suppress spider mite populations. Affected areas of your plant should have the stream directed toward the underside of the leaves. As one of the premier lawn care services in Lenexa, By The Blade suggests doing this until the hot, dry weather that spider mites prefer ends.
Allow us to assist!
By the Blade has an answer for whatever may be causing your trees and shrubs to look wilted at this time of year. The plants that can still be saved can be treated, and the ones that are beyond saving can be replaced. To ensure that your plants are receiving the proper amount of water, By the Blade can adjust your sprinklers. In order to ensure that you have the right plants in the right places, our experts can even redesign your flower bed. Allow the professionals from your hometown to simplify your life by offering outstanding care for your lawn and landscaping. Our experts are waiting to hear from you, even if all you want is a consultation.
By The Blade is the leading Landscaping Company in Lenexa
By The Blade can take care of all of your lawn care services in Lenexa, whether you want new sod laid down or maintenance on your yard all year long. We take great pride in being one of the best companies for lawn services in Lenexa, and one of our goals is to ensure that each of our customers has a magnificent yard that they can be pleased with. In addition to offering the highest quality landscaping services in Lenexa, we also personalize and design swimming pools for our clients.
Please get in touch with our lawn care company in Lenexa as soon as possible if you have any questions regarding our services or are interested in learning more about how we can revive your lawn. Our Lenexa landscape company is excited to be of assistance to you!
To put our Ambassadors of Outdoor Living to work on your next lawnscape, aquascape, or home maintenance project, simply fill out our straightforward contact form or give us a call at the number listed below.