Lenexa Lawn Care Company

A Lenexa Lawn Care Company Lists 12 Things That Are Often Forgotten Regarding Spring Lawncare in Kansas

Spring is here in Lenexa and it’s time to start preparing your lawn for the growing season. While it’s always important to water, mow, and fertilize your lawn, there are some things that tend to get forgotten in the rush to get your lawn looking the way you want. Here at By the Blade, a leading Lenexa lawn care company, we’ve listed 12 of the most forgotten things to do for your lawn in Lenexa in early spring.

Lenexa lawn care company :Aeration

Aeration is an essential step in lawn care that is often overlooked. The process of aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow better air and water circulation. This helps to reduce soil compaction, improves nutrient uptake, and encourages deeper root growth. The top Lenexa lawn care services know that this is best done in the early spring when the soil is still moist from winter.

Lenexa lawn care company


Thatch is the dead grass and other organic material that accumulates on the surface of a lawn. It can build up over time and prevent water, air, and nutrients from reaching the roots. Dethatching involves removing this layer of material to promote better lawn health. Your Lenexa lawn care company dethatches dead grass by using a garden rake or with a power rake for larger lawns.

Lenexa Lawn Care Company


Lenexa lawn care company :Soil Testing

If you haven’t had your soil tested in a while, now is the time to do it. Soil tests are one of the most underrated Lenexa lawn care services, and can provide valuable information on the pH level, nutrient content, and texture of your soil, which can help you make informed decisions about fertilizing and other lawn care practices. Contact your local county extension office or lawn care professional for assistance with soil testing.

Weed Control

Early spring is a critical time for weed control. Weeds start to grow and spread as temperatures warm up, and they can quickly take over an unprepared lawn. You can use a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weeds from germinating or a post-emergent herbicide to kill weeds that have already sprouted. Be sure to read the label instructions carefully and follow all safety precautions or hire a professional Lenexa lawn care company if you are not comfortable doing this yourself.

Lenexa lawn care company


Overseeding is the process of spreading grass seed over an existing lawn to fill in thin or bare spots. It is best done in the early spring when the soil is still cool and moist. This can help to improve the density of your lawn and make it more resistant to weeds and other pests.

Lenexa lawn care company


Fertilizing is an important part of lawn care that is often neglected, according to many Lenexa lawn care services. Early spring is the best time to fertilize your lawn because it provides essential nutrients to support healthy growth. Look for a fertilizer that is specifically formulated for Kansas lawns and follow the instructions carefully to avoid over-fertilizing.

Lenexa Lawn Care Company

Irrigation System Maintenance

If you have an irrigation system, it’s important to perform maintenance checks in the early spring to ensure it is functioning properly. This includes checking for leaks, adjusting sprinkler heads, and resetting timers. Proper maintenance by your Lenexa lawn care company can help to conserve water and ensure that your lawn gets the hydration it needs to thrive.

Lenexa lawn care company

Pest Control

Springtime is when we start to see more pests around our lawns, such as grubs, ants, and moles. These pests can damage your lawn by feeding on the roots or creating tunnels underground. Applying a pesticide can help to control these pests and prevent further damage. As an experienced , we recommend following the label instructions carefully and wearing protective clothing when applying.

Tree and Shrub Pruning

In addition to caring for the grass, it’s also important to prune trees and shrubs around your lawn, according to Lenexa lawn care services. This helps to remove any dead or diseased branches, promote healthy growth, and improve the overall appearance of your landscape. Make sure to use proper pruning techniques and tools to avoid causing damage to the tree or shrub.Lenexa lawn care company

Cleaning Up Debris

Winter can leave behind a lot of debris on your lawn, such as fallen leaves, twigs, and branches. These can build up and prevent sunlight and water from reaching the grass. Make sure to hire a Lenexa lawn care company to clean up any debris in the early spring to allow for proper growth and prevent potential pest problems. A rake or leaf blower is usually required to remove all the debris.

Lenexa Lawn Care Company 

Check and Repair Sprinklers

If you have sprinklers installed in your lawn, it’s crucial for you or your Lenexa lawn care company to check and see if they’re working correctly. Over the winter, pipes can freeze and can cause damage to the sprinkler system. Inspect the pipes, spots for leakage, and adjust the sprinkler heads or nozzles to make sure that the water is distributed evenly.

Lenexa lawn care company

Raking and Removing Thatch

After dethatching, it’s important to rake up and remove the thatch and debris from the lawn. As one of the top Lenexa lawn care services, we know that leaving these materials on the lawn can block sunlight, trap moisture, and promote fungus growth. All of these can cause further damage to the grass. Proper disposal of these materials will help keep your lawn healthy and disease-free. You can either compost the debris, use a leaf bag for disposal, or contact a local yard waste facility for assistance.

In conclusion, while it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day maintenance of your lawn, it’s important to take a step back and consider all of the essential tasks that are often forgotten. By following these tips, you can ensure that your lawn is healthy, vibrant, and ready for the growing season ahead. We hope these twelve tips will set you on the right path to having a healthy lawn, not only this spring, but for the entire lawncare year!

Lenexa Lawn Care Company

By The Blade: A Premier Landscaping Company in Lenexa

Whether you need new sod installed or year-round maintenance for your yard, By The Blade has you covered. As one of the best companies for lawn care services in Lenexa, we take great pride in making sure our clients have a majestic yard that they can be proud of. Not only do we provide the best landscaping services in Lenexa, we also customize and design swimming pools as well.

If you need more information about our services and how we can rejuvenate your lawn, please contact us today. We look forward to assisting you!


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